According to the NHS, the UK’s cold weather might make you more likely to reach for the carbs. In my case, this takes the form of sugary midnight snacking.But if your cravings are of a more savoury nature, there might be a few factors at play, health information site Medical News Today says. Stress, a lack of sleep, boredom, sweating a lot and even hormonal changes associated with periods can make you salivate over sodium.And while too much salt in your diet can be harmful to your health, the cause of the cravings themselves isn’t usually something to worry about. However, occasionally wanting salt all the time can reveal issues with your adrenal system, Medical News Today adds. Which health conditions can cause salt cravings?Addison’s disease, which is also known as adrenal insufficiency, happens when your adrenal glands don’t make enough of certain hormones.
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