Last night, I set my alarm to 6:30, finished the final pages of my book, and dragged my weary bones to bed at 9:30 in the evening. I’d been to the gym. I’d done a full day’s work. I’d travelled two hours there and back for an appointment and had a similar day planned today. So naturally, I only actually nodded off at 3 am. If that sounds like you, you’re not alone. Dr. Aditi Nerurkar, a Harvard physician specialising in stress, burnout, mental health and resilience, told HuffPost UK: “There are many reasons why your stress affects your sleep, and one of the most common is a phenomenon known as Revenge Bedtime Procrastination.”What’s that when it’s at home?The doctor explained that revenge bedtime procrastination (RBP) is a kind of counterproductive attempt to reclaim “me” time (where your attention and effort aren’t being demanded by employers, family members, or everyday tasks) at night.“We know getting sleep can help manage
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