How often do you wash your child's hair?When it comes to keeping kids clean, it appears there’s no set rule for how often you should be washing their bodies – it really does come down to personal choice. But what about keeping their hair clean? Is there a golden rule parents should swear by when it comes to washing their little (or not-so-little, for the caregivers of tweens and teens among us) one’s locks?Well, it really depends on your child’s hair type – as well as a few other factors like how grubby they tend to get on a daily basis and their age.Here’s what you should know...How often should I wash my baby’s hair?Typically, very young babies might need their hair washing a couple of times a week – basically, when it gets a bit dirty, either from sick, spit-up, snot or milk. The NHS notes you don’t need to use shampoo, just water. After around six weeks, you might want to start using a mild shampoo (again, it’s up to
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