The unthinkable has just happened to me: on watching the second season of my once-favourite show, I thought, “hold on, is this getting a bit crap now?”.It’s a feeling fans of long-running shows like The Simpsons will likely be all too familiar with.The sinking sensation is a little hard to pin down, though ― does it happen when a flimsy new character is added, or when our old favourites turn into cartoonish stereotypes?Well, Redditors who replied to u/Feisty_Drummer2570′s post in r/AskReddit seemed to have some thoughts. “What’s a ‘red flag’ in a TV show that tells you it’s about to go downhill?” their entry reads. Here are some of the most-upvoted responses:1) “When characters start ignoring earlier developments or start getting dumbed down... simply to push an arc forward.”u/MaestroLogical“I’m rewatching Game Of Thrones and one thing that really bothers me is how [the writers] dumbed down Little Finger and Varys.”
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