Until just over a year ago, I loved eggs. I had perfected scrambled eggs, lived for a good poached egg and, if I had a busy lunch hour, a quick boiled egg with spinach was enough to get me through to dinner.Truly, nothing compared to them.Until one lunch hour when, suddenly, my plate of scrambled eggs suddenly made me feel sick. Racing-to-the-bathroom sick, unable-to-even-handle-the-scent sick. It happened within seconds of taking a bite. Hoping it was just a weird one-off, I tried in vain a few times to eat some eggs just to find that no, regardless of how I prepared them, I always felt unwell. Genuinely devastating. However, as strange as this is, I know that I’m not alone. In a post that got 43k likes, TikTok user @renee.noe posted a video of her cooking scrambled eggs captioned: “The egg ick is crazy cause one second you’re fine and the next you’re about to throw up”, with people commenting saying “this is too real” and “never related to something more in my life”.
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