
U.S. to Ban Chinese, Russian Components in Connected Vehicles

The ban finalizes a proposal made in September to counter potential risks posed by software and sensors

The Commerce Department said it would ban the import of Chinese and Russian vehicle connectivity system hardware, beginning with 2030 vehicle models.
The Commerce Department said it would ban the import of Chinese and Russian vehicle connectivity system hardware, beginning with 2030 vehicle models. Photo: str/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

The U.S. has finalized a ban on the use of Chinese and Russian hardware and software in internet-connected vehicles on U.S. roads, an outgoing salvo by the Biden administration to prevent hacking and misuse of data by foreign adversaries.

The Commerce Department said Tuesday that it would ban the import of Chinese and Russian vehicle connectivity system hardware, including bluetooth, cellular and satellite components, beginning with 2030 vehicle models, while automated driving software from the two countries would be barred starting with 2027 models.

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