EXCLUSIVEI've come back from the brink of death four times... what I saw changed everything
A woman who's survived four near-death experiences has revealed what 'the other side' is like, including the advice she received from Jesus and a reunion with loved ones who've died.
Sharon Milliman believes it's a 'miracle' she's still here today after suffering two life-threatening health complications, a near-drowning experience and being struck by lightning.
Though it seems her death is imminent, the 62-year-old has fought back each time.
Now, she's sharing her experiences and what heaven is really like, saying: 'I felt my spirit leave my body and [suddenly] I was hovering over it.
'Then, I saw a beautiful, radiant light descending towards me. It enveloped me in a warm, comforting embrace.'
Ms Milliman, from West Virginia, says on one of her trips there were halls filled with mentors and teachers guiding souls on their spiritual journeys, along with a banquet of luxurious foods.
But there was also an important message waiting for her.

Sharon Milliman believes it's a 'miracle' that she's still here today. The published author has suffered two life-threatening health complications, being seconds away from drowning and struck by lightning while on the phone with a friend
Ms Milliman said: 'As [the light] approached, it seemed to expand, and in that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace, compelling me to surrender to it.
'I was swept through clouds of pink and gold, before entering a garden. There, to my astonishment, stood my two younger brothers who had passed.
'They walked with me through this wonderful place, guiding me toward a city of marble and gold.'
In this opulent city, Ms Milliman read "The Book of Life," saw rich and vibrant colors, heard laughter and was surrounded by the scent of wildflowers.
The experience left her 'in a state of awe.'
She added: 'I felt no fear or shock as it was revealed to me that I had passed from the real world.
'In this realm, I was still myself and my identity remained, but I was filled with a glowing radiance. I was home. I had a review of my entire life flash before me in the blink of an eye, before learning the truth.
'A male voice said to me: "What you put out into the universe will come back to you."
Ms Milliman said the man's sentiments gave her a new perspective on life and she learned 'the choices we make, the thoughts we think and the words we speak all ripple outward and return to us, like a boomerang of our own making.'
She explained: 'In that moment, I was reborn with a journey ahead of me filled with transformation and self-discovery that would alter my course.'
While it was tempting to stay in the heavenly city and not return to the real world, Ms Milliman said she knew her 'time wasn't up yet' and she returned to her body.

Ms Milliman (pictured above, left aged 13) had her first near death experience when she was just 13 following an incident in a swimming pool
Ms Milliman had her first near death experience when she was 13 years old.
Her mom had taken her to swimming lessons, but she 'suddenly forgot how to swim and started sinking' to the bottom of the pool.
The then-teen panicked and as she was trying to reach the surface, she ingested water.
Recalling the chain of events, Ms Milliman said: 'I remember the reaction around me was total chaos as I laid 10 feet under water.
'I felt neither pain, nor fear, as I lay there quiet, unmoving, and no longer breathing.'
Despite this, she said she was still able to 'see and hear everything' happening around her through 'my spirit floating above me.'
Lifeguards quickly rescued her from the pool and began CPR: 'It was very touch-and-go, but then I regained my breath.'
The experience left Ms Milliman extremely frightened and she never went swimming again.
However, she said the 'experience was only a test run for what was about to come.'
Thirty years later at 43, she was struck by lightning outside her house.
While she was standing on her front porch on the phone with a friend, she saw a lightning flash and suddenly, a 'silver bolt snaked down from the sky' and hit her right arm.
As the lightning hit her, she said she felt an 'agonizing burning and searing pain'.
She initially screamed but when her heart 'stopped', she lost consciousness and felt her spirit, once again, was 'peeled' from her body.
Ms Milliman said: 'My body was lying dead at the base of the charred stairs and as I floated, I found myself back in heaven.
'My daughter arrived right after the strike and brought me back to consciousness.
'Drenched in sweat and unable to move, paramedics soon arrived and I was rushed to hospital.
'I thought the worst had happened; but I was totally wrong.'
Eleven years after that, in November 2016, Ms Milliman suffered a bowel obstruction.
As her intestine was completely blocked, she required emergency surgery.
However, while she lay on the operating table she experienced a potentially fatal complication known as aspiration - when a patient inhales stomach contents into their lungs.

In 2005, aged 43, struck by lightning while on the phone with a friend
Once again, she found herself in the realms of heaven.
Her fourth near-death experience came in 2017 after having an adverse reaction to medication, which caused her to stop breathing.
She rose up out of her body and found herself amongst the stars and planets, where there was no sense of time.
Suddenly, her spirit was 'vacuumed' back into her body as oxygen was fed back into her lungs.
Although she's bounced back each time, Ms Milliman's life has been greatly affected; not only physically, but spiritually, too.
She said: 'I have a blockage in my heart and often suffer from seizures on a weekly basis, which poses a risk of its own, as I've had head traumas more times than I can count.'
Despite her struggles, she is grateful for her experiences and believes each 'was an act and gift from God,' who, she added, has visited her multiple times.
She said Jesus 'comes to remind me that I'm never alone and that I don't need to be afraid.
'Because of this, I have been given the strength and the understanding of why things happen in my life, and I know how to overcome any storms.'
She continued: '[The experiences] absolutely helped me with my life overall and I wouldn't change a thing.
'I avoid having [more near-death events] by praying - but if it should happen again, I'm no longer fearful of dying.
'It's such a beautiful thing and when the time does come, I'll be ready and waiting to finally embrace the other side fully.'